Ny analyse: Medicon Valleys forskerparker ekspanderer og omstrukturerer
En ny analyse fra Medicon Valley Alliance, MVA, viser at Medicon Valleys science parks vokser og omstruktureres. Flere af forskerparkerne, som beskrives i rapporten, har planer om at ekspandere og gennemføre ændringer i den interne struktur. Blandt andet har DTU Science Park skiftet navn fra Scion DTU og udvider med en ny inkubator, Medicon Village har opdelt virksomheden i to selskaber der adskiller innovations- og ejendomsaktiviteterne, og bygger, som Medeon, en ny kontorejendom. Ideon har gennem de seneste år udvidet sin geografi og har på den måde tilknyttet flere ejendomsvirksomheder til sig, og Cobis er nu fuldt udlejet og er i dialog om at bygge nyt efter at Novo Nordisk Fondens nye storsatsning BioInnovation Institute har lejet en hel etage.
Denne analyse er udarbejdet af Øresundsinstituttet på opdrag af Medicon Valley Alliance.
Analysen vil blive præsenteret på Medicon Valley Alliance Summer Reception i dag den 19. juni kl 14.00 – 16.00 på Malmö universitet.
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Highlights fra rapporten:
* 17 000 EMPLOYEES. Five science parks in Medicon Valley are fully or significantly focused on the life sciences: COBIS, DTU Science Park, Ideon, Medeon and Medicon Village. This report also includes the start-up ecosystem Symbion and the food- and health-oriented science park Krinova. Together, these science parks comprise around 1 500 companies with a total of approximately 17 000 employees.
* STRUCTURAL CHANGES. Many of the science parks in this report are making changes to their internal structures. Among other things, Scion DTU changed its name to DTU Science Park; Medicon Village’s activities have been split into an innovation and a real estate company, and COBIS has expanded its focal area from strict biotech and opted for a broader perspective on healthcare.
* NEW BUILDINGS. Many of the science parks are expanding; among others, this is true for Medicon Village, which is building a new office complex that will accommodate 600 people; Medeon, which is commencing construction on a building with 200 workspaces; and DTU Science Park, which is scaling up with a new incubator – Futurebox – as well an additional 20 000 m2 in Lyngby.
* BIOINNOVATION INSTITUTE. Medicon Valley’s major new initiative is called the BioInnovation Institute, BII. The initiative is being funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, and the budget is 392 million DKK. BII started up earlier this year at the science park COBIS in Copenhagen. The aim is for life science research at the region’s universities to generate more new companies.
* NEW LISTED COMPANIES. More Swedish life science companies are listed than Danish. What’s more, many of the Danish companies that go for an IPO choose to do it in Stockholm. The explanations include differences in the two countries in how stock is taxed, as well as different traditions of saving in stocks.
* SWEDISH SPOTLIGHT STOCK MARKET OPENS IN COPENHAGEN. 35 companies active in the pharmaceutical sector were listed on Nasdaq Nordic last year. This autumn, Spotlight Stock Market (formerly Aktietorget) will be opening a marketplace in Copenhagen.
– De fortsatte satsninger på regionens science parks er et kernespørgsmål for at Medicon Valley skal kunne hævde sig i konkurrencen med andre life science klynger rundt om i verden. Det er de mest fremgangsrige klynger som lokker de bedste forskere og største investorer til sig, siger Petter Hartman, adm. direktør for Medicon Valley Alliance.
– Med sammenlagt 1.500 virksomheder og 17.000 ansatte kan de science parks som er blevet undersøgt betragtes som den nye tids virtuelle storvirksomheder. De små innovative virksomheder i disse science parks spiller sammen med de store etablerede life science virksomheder og er derfor vigtige aktører i at skabe tillvækst og nye job, siger Johan Wessman, adm. direktør for Øresundsinstituttet.
Interviews med blandt andre:
Carsten Borring, Head of Listing & Capital Markets, Nasdaq Copenhagen
Charlotte Lorentz Hjort, CEO Krinova
Katrine Hoff, project manager Spotlight Stock Market in Denmark
Kerstin Jakobsson, CEO Medicon Village Innovation AB
Magnus Corfitzen, CEO Ascelia
Mia Rolf, CEO Ideon AB
Morten Mølgaard Jensen, CEO COBIS
Neel Hein Bertelsen, Head of Marketing, Symbion
Orest Lastow, CEO Iconovo
Steen Donner, CEO DTU Science Park
Thomas Nagy, director BioInnovation Institute
Ulf G Andersson, CEO Medeon
Analysen ”Science Parks in Medicon Valley 2018” är den fjärde rapporten från samarbetet mellan nätverksorganisationen Medicon Valley Alliance och det dansk-svenska kunskapscentrat Øresundsinstituttet. I oktober utkommer den årliga rapporten ”State of Medicon Valley”.
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For mere information kontakt:
Petter Hartman
adm. direktør Medicon Valley Alliance
+45 2371 5577
Johan Wessman
adm. direktør Øresundsinstituttet
mobil +46 (0) 702 52 32 41