Ny analyse: Medicon Valley er i vækst – 12.000 nye arbejdspladser på fem år og 45 milliarder DKK i nye investeringer i fremtiden

I alt arbejder omkring 65.500 mennesker i private virksomheder i den dansk-svenske life science-klynge Medicon Valley. Sektoren består af ca. 1.150 virksomheder, og disse har skabt ca. 12.000 nye arbejdspladser i regionen i løbet af de sidste fem år. I samme periode er der blevet oprettet omkring 300 nye virksomheder inden for life science – mere end én om ugen. Life science-virksomheder i Østdanmark investerer nu og i de kommende år mere end 45 milliarder kroner i at udvide deres produktionsanlæg, forsknings- og udviklingsanlæg og faciliteter i regionen, hvilket forventes at skabe 4.000 nye arbejdspladser.

Analysen samler hovedresultaterne af de rapporter, der er udarbejdet af det dansk-svenske videncenter Øresundsinstituttet inden for rammerne af Interreg-projektet “Greater Copenhagen Life Science Analysis Initiative”. Projektet blev gennemført i perioden 2019-2022 i samarbejde med netværks- og brancheorganisationen Medicon Valley Alliance med finansiering fra Interreg ØKS, Region Skåne og Region Sjælland.

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The life science sector in Medicon Valley has seen significant investment capacity and belief in the future in recent years. This is apparent in various ways, including that life science companies are investing more than DKK 45bn in expanding their production plants, research facilities, and/or offices and domiciles regionally. More than 4 000 new jobs in the region are expected to be generated through the investments on both sides of the Øresund.

More than 1 000 employees work in private life science companies in 16 municipalities in the Danish-Swedish Medicon Valley. These municipalities are particularly important for the life science sector in the region, as around 86% of the ca 65 500 people employed regionally work in a company located in one of these 16 municipalities. Company structure varies from one municipality to the next, with especially strong startup activity in Copenhagen, Lyngby, Hørsholm and Lund because of their proximity to incubators, science parks, the healthcare sector, and universities. Large production facilities and headquarters are located both close to and far from the Copenhagen area. Gladsaxe Municipality, Copenhagen Municipality, and Ballerup Municipality are the three largest life science municipalities in Medicon Valley.

Life science companies in Medicon Valley need access to various competences. Overall, these expertise needs are largely linked to the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), commercial and regulatory expertise, and IT. This was shown in two survey questionnaires in which around 50 companies in eastern Denmark and around 130 companies in Skåne were questioned.

Cancer, diabetes and reproduction are three research areas of excellence in Medicon Valley. World-class research is conducted in all three, and there are multiple links across the strait.
There are around 600 researchers in CANCER RESEARCH at the hospitals in Region Skåne, Region Hovedstaden and Region Sjælland, and there is also extensive research at the universities, in the industry and at the Danish Cancer Society’s research institute in Copenhagen. Within cancer research, it is relatively common for researchers and research groups to collaborate across the strait, but researchers call for more structural collaboration.
     DIABETES RESEARCH has strong historical links to the Øresund Region, as the predecessor to today’s Novo Nordisk was founded in Copenhagen in 1923. Today, research centres on both sides of the Øresund bring together diabetes research, and many of the largest players have joined forces in the Interreg-collaboration DiaUnion.
     REPRODUCTION RESEARCH has also traditionally been strong in the Øresund Region, and there has long been extensive exchange across the strait within the Interreg-project ReproUnion 2.0 and its earlier iterations. Today, a unique biobank is being constructed, the aim with which is to include 5 000 couples from Denmark and Sweden and get to the bottom of involuntary childlessness.

Between 2015-2022, the EU-programme Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak granted just under €47mn to 18 joint Danish-Swedish development projects in the life sciences. Funds for the Interreg-projects come from the EU’s European Regional Development Fund.

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Om rapporten


Between 2019-2022, Øresundsinstituttet has surveyed the life science industry in the Øresund region in collaboration with the cluster organisation Medicon Valley Alliance in an EU-funded Interreg-project by the name of Greater Copenhagen Life Science Analysis Initiative.


Johan Wessman
adm. direktør Øresundsinstituttet

Anette Steenberg
adm. direktør Medicon Valley Alliance

Greater Copenhagen Life Science Analysis Initiative